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General information:
General InformationGeneral Information, GeographyGeography, ClimateClimate, PeoplePeople, CurrencyCurrency, EmbassiesEmbassies, Visa to RussiaVisa to Russia, CustomsCustoms, CommunicationsCommunications, TransportationTransportation, ShoppingShopping, Information on Russia TravelInformation on Russia Travel, National HolidaysNational Holidays, The Federation Council & The State DumaThe Federation Council & The State Duma, President and prime ministerPresident and prime minister, Religion in RussiaReligion in Russia, GovernmentGovernment. Culture: MuseumsMuseums, Concert hallsConcert halls, Art galleriesArt galleries, TheatresTheatres, CircusCircus, CinemaCinema. Sightseeings: Gardens and parksGardens and parks, Monuments of architectureMonuments of architecture. Business: Business-centersBusiness-centers. Leisure-time: Restaurants & barsRestaurants & bars, ClubsClubs. Conventions: Russian bathsRussian baths, HolidaysHolidays, CookeryCookery, TraditionsTraditions. Hotels
Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 About us
About our company
"Asia4Russia" offers a full complex of the services connected with the organization of business-trips to "Asia4Russia" will give you an opportunity to get acquainted with new technologies, will organize a meeting with investors, partners, consumers of the goods or services. We are always open to cooperation and shall arrange the trip programs that will meet all needs of your business. Our company will enrich your trip with excellent cultural program. We shall help you to combine business with rest.
To ensure the best result of your business trip to
Our advantages:
Our principles:
Our goal is to provide our clients with the highest quality travel management services and help them to develop business with pleasure.
Asia4Russia - the reliable partner of your business. go back |