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General information:
General InformationGeneral Information, GeographyGeography, ClimateClimate, PeoplePeople, CurrencyCurrency, EmbassiesEmbassies, Visa to RussiaVisa to Russia, CustomsCustoms, CommunicationsCommunications, TransportationTransportation, ShoppingShopping, Information on Russia TravelInformation on Russia Travel, National HolidaysNational Holidays, The Federation Council & The State DumaThe Federation Council & The State Duma, President and prime ministerPresident and prime minister, Religion in RussiaReligion in Russia, GovernmentGovernment. Culture: MuseumsMuseums, Concert hallsConcert halls, Art galleriesArt galleries, TheatresTheatres, CircusCircus, CinemaCinema. Sightseeings: Gardens and parksGardens and parks, Monuments of architectureMonuments of architecture. Business: Business-centersBusiness-centers. Leisure-time: Restaurants & barsRestaurants & bars, ClubsClubs. Conventions: Russian bathsRussian baths, HolidaysHolidays, CookeryCookery, TraditionsTraditions. Hotels
Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 Visa to Russia
How to obtain a visa to RussiaTo obtain a visa to Russia, you have to:
Required documents: 1. National passport (original) valid for at least 6 months after the intended date of departure from Russia 2. 2 identical photos 3. Copies of all inner pages of the passport 4. Reference from your work, as well as inquiries about your income, work position etc, proofs of your financial opulence (copies of credit cards) and your non-immigration intentions can be required 5. Insurance 6. For children – reference from school or college, for minors traveling alone or with one family member – notarized letter from parents, proving their agreement for departure 7. If you have 2nd (3rd etc) passport – it would be recommended to enclose it to your visa application 8. Invitation: for business visas - a letter of invitation (original or copy), extract from trade register of inviting company: copy of inviting person’s passport can be required for tourist visas – confirmation of hotel reservation and hotel payment (from hotel or travel firma) for guest visas – guest invitation; copy of inviting person’s passport can be required 9. A completed visa application form go back |