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General information:
General Information, Geography, Climate, People, Currency, Embassies, Visa to Russia, Customs, Communications, Transportation, Shopping, Information on Russia Travel, National Holidays, The Federation Council & The State Duma, President and prime minister, Religion in Russia, Government. Culture: Museums, Concert halls, Art galleries, Theatres, Circus, Cinema. Sightseeings: Gardens and parks, Monuments of architecture. Business: Business-centers. Leisure-time: Restaurants & bars, Clubs. Conventions: Russian baths, Holidays, Cookery, Traditions. Exhibitions
Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 Zarya Hotel (Synxis Hotels and Resorts) 3*
SVO-Sheremetyevo International Airport-20 Mi SE The Hotel Zarya is located in one of the most beautiful and ecologically safe areas of Moscow. This hotel provides 300 guest rooms in two buildings - Zarya and Irbis. Each of the rooms comes equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV, telephone, hairdryer, refrigerator and safe. You can enjoy some of the local cuisine in the Akvarel restaurant. The Hotel has opportunities for conferences, business meetings, seminars and negotiations. go back |