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Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 MIMS - 2007
Show date : 01 Января - 29 Августа
Moscow international exhibition "Motorshow". Topic: Transport. The Moscow International Motor Show (MIMS) was established in 1991 and has since taken place every two years. Having continued to expand it sectors and attract new exhibitors, MIMS has quickly assumed a leading role in the industry. Today MIMS represents all sectors of the automotive industry and gathers together under one roof the world’s leading manufacturers in this field. Russia offers one of the greatest strategic opportunities for sales growth in the world’s automotive industry. As one of the leading sectors within the region’s economy, it comes as no surprise that the Russian automotive sector has become such an attractive prospect to both international and domestic suppliers. The number of foreign imports has consistently increased over the last decade and local vehicle production has soared with approximately 10% growth per annum. Industry specialists believe that the next 5 years will see a dramatic rise in vehicle output in Eastern Europe, which has places greater demand on international component manufacturers to form joint ventures with local vehicle assembly plants. Never has the need for modern technology investment been so strong. The Moscow International Motor Show (MIMS) is widely recognised as the leading automotive event in Russia and the CIS. Following the success of the 2006 event, MIMS 2007 will once again take place at Crocus-Expo International Exhibition Centre and will mark the eleventh exhibition in the series. MIMS provides the perfect platform from which to preview new products, evaluate market trends, and establish long-lasting and commercially profitable partnerships. The exhibition is dedicated to all sectors of the automotive industry with strong emphasis on spare parts, components and accessories. Despite the dynamic changes taking place in Russia and the rapid growth of the automotive sector, MIMS continues to complement and reflect the industry’s demands and is a promotional opportunity not to be missed! Exhibition Sections: Automobiles: |