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General information:
General InformationGeneral Information, GeographyGeography, ClimateClimate, PeoplePeople, CurrencyCurrency, EmbassiesEmbassies, Visa to RussiaVisa to Russia, CustomsCustoms, CommunicationsCommunications, TransportationTransportation, ShoppingShopping, Information on Russia TravelInformation on Russia Travel, National HolidaysNational Holidays, The Federation Council & The State DumaThe Federation Council & The State Duma, President and prime ministerPresident and prime minister, Religion in RussiaReligion in Russia, GovernmentGovernment. Culture: MuseumsMuseums, Concert hallsConcert halls, Art galleriesArt galleries, TheatresTheatres, CircusCircus, CinemaCinema. Sightseeings: Gardens and parksGardens and parks, Monuments of architectureMonuments of architecture. Business: Business-centersBusiness-centers. Leisure-time: Restaurants & barsRestaurants & bars, ClubsClubs. Conventions: Russian bathsRussian baths, HolidaysHolidays, CookeryCookery, TraditionsTraditions. Hotels
Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 Kostroma
The Central district of Kostroma comprises the buildings and structures built in a classic architectural style during the period between 1770-1830. It's a fine example of unique, monolithic urban architectural complex. Kostroma is famous with its wonderful architectural monuments, Ipatyevsky Convent (16th-17th cent.) and the Church of Resurrection on Debra River (1652). Ipatyevsky Convent is located in a beautiful place, where the Kostroma River flows into Volga. The St. Trinity Cathedral of Convent is a powerful, monumental structure beautifully ornamented and decorated with the wall-paintings of Sila Slavin and Guriy Nikitin and their team. The wall-paintings look amazingly inspiring and display fantastic artistic flair of the artists, who managed to express the richest gamut of human feelings raised by the awe of God and anxious expectation of talking with God.
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