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General information:
General InformationGeneral Information, GeographyGeography, ClimateClimate, PeoplePeople, CurrencyCurrency, EmbassiesEmbassies, Visa to RussiaVisa to Russia, CustomsCustoms, CommunicationsCommunications, TransportationTransportation, ShoppingShopping, Information on Russia TravelInformation on Russia Travel, National HolidaysNational Holidays, The Federation Council & The State DumaThe Federation Council & The State Duma, President and prime ministerPresident and prime minister, Religion in RussiaReligion in Russia, GovernmentGovernment. Culture: MuseumsMuseums, Concert hallsConcert halls, Art galleriesArt galleries, TheatresTheatres, CircusCircus, CinemaCinema. Sightseeings: Gardens and parksGardens and parks, Monuments of architectureMonuments of architecture. Business: Business-centersBusiness-centers. Leisure-time: Restaurants & barsRestaurants & bars, ClubsClubs. Conventions: Russian bathsRussian baths, HolidaysHolidays, CookeryCookery, TraditionsTraditions. Hotels
Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 Christmas, Russian Orthodox
January 7, Church feasts have been reborn. Easter is celebrated nationwide, as of old, and Christmas became a day off. Muslims, Jews and Buddhists also celebrate their feasts without fear of secular authorities. Russia differs with many western countries in that Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January, not on the 25th of December. Religious people go to church, since there is a big celebration there. Others stay at home and have a small Christmas dinner with family and friends. Christmas is a good time to be with family, but basically for Russians the New Year is more important of a holiday then Christmas - this is the main difference between Russia and Europe and the U.S. But again the main idea and spirit of these two holidays is to be together with the family and to be kind to one another - just like everywhere else in the world! go back |