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Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 Bath-house
Russian bath-house - an integral part of national culture of Centuries have passed away, but Russians have not changed the favorite tradition - visiting a bath-house. In days of Peter the Great construction of bath-houses was in every possible way encouraged and duties did not undertake their construction. " Elixirs well, and the bath-house is better ", - Peter said. The body at orthodox Christians always called as a temple for soul, and soul a temple for spirit, therefore and the maintenance of both temples should be appropriate. A ceremony of ablution by water as the symbol of clarification is known in Orthodoxy as sacrament of a christening. Bath ceremony of ablution can be compared to a ceremony of a christening on that similar essence which they bear in themselves - the culmination moment of these sacraments is clarification. " In a healthy body - the healthy mind ", - was spoken our ancestors. At all times Russian people had the universal tool for improvement of soul, a body and spirit. It is Russian bath-house which grants to the person an opportunity of a unification with the Nature and through it with the Lord. go back |