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General information:
General InformationGeneral Information, GeographyGeography, ClimateClimate, PeoplePeople, CurrencyCurrency, EmbassiesEmbassies, Visa to RussiaVisa to Russia, CustomsCustoms, CommunicationsCommunications, TransportationTransportation, ShoppingShopping, Information on Russia TravelInformation on Russia Travel, National HolidaysNational Holidays, The Federation Council & The State DumaThe Federation Council & The State Duma, President and prime ministerPresident and prime minister, Religion in RussiaReligion in Russia, GovernmentGovernment. Culture: MuseumsMuseums, Concert hallsConcert halls, Art galleriesArt galleries, TheatresTheatres, CircusCircus, CinemaCinema. Sightseeings: Gardens and parksGardens and parks, Monuments of architectureMonuments of architecture. Business: Business-centersBusiness-centers. Leisure-time: Restaurants & barsRestaurants & bars, ClubsClubs. Conventions: Russian bathsRussian baths, HolidaysHolidays, CookeryCookery, TraditionsTraditions. Hotels
Russia Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Population: 141,377,752 Concert hall "Russia"
The State Central Concert Hall "Rossia" is situated in the heart of the historical part of Moscow, near Red Square and famous St.Basil's Cathedral, in Zaryadye among ancient churches and terems. Concert hall 'Russia' is an integral part of capital's culture center. The situation of the concert hall nearby business sectors of Kitay-Gorod, the largest hotels ("Rossia", "Moskva", "Naional", "Metropol", "Baltchug") and cross of the main roads makes perfect conditions for successful business activity. The foundation of the Concert Hall began in 1962 by the project of the following architectures: D. Chechulin, N. Chekmotaev, P. Shteller, engineer N. Vishnevsky. The idea of creators and designers was to build a Hall for conducting concerts, cinema festivals, great international forums, scientific seminars, conferences. The multipurpose Hall features the modernest stage mechanics and unique system of auditorium's transformation. The official opening of the State Central Concert Hall was held on the 5th of November of 1971. Though the Hall is municipal and ruled by the government of Moscow,the broadest possibilities and wide latitude in economic and artistic activities make it rather independent enterprise with a free planned program. go back |